Devlog #2 - The Starting

Hi guys!! Welcome to another devlog about my game Tecnology War!! Today I wanted to explain the progress I made the past month after starting from scratch the game again. So with all explained, let’s dive into the progress made!!

New character structure

The first implementation than I did and it’s different from the method I was using in the previous versions is to make a model than can be customized adding different clothes and accessories than are separated from the model to make every character from the game, this makes the characters modular and be able to change clothes and accessories leading to future mechanics in the game.

Active Ragdoll system

Before resetting the project I was working on an active ragdoll system than let the character interact with the environment in a more natural way and react to it. In this new iteration it will still be present and also I will work on improving it more to give a more natural reaction to things than happens like for example receiving a hit from a bullet or colliding with a building.

Custom IK system

Another difference with the previous versions of the project is than now the IK system is custom and not using any package like Unity Animation Rigging one than I used in the past, that is made to adapt better to the active ragdoll system than the characters use and also have more control of how the system work to give a better experience.

Foot IK system

For extending the custom IK system I am working on a Foot IK system than will make the character foot adapt to all surfaces like stairs, inclinations and platforms, also this system let the character movement be procedural without relying on an animation than repeats in loop and making the movement more natural.

The End

And with that we arrive at the end of what I was working the past month. Also soon I will start again publishing how is the progress going with a video or image again, so stay tuned for when I publish it!! Thanks for reading this devlog!! If you saw anything to improve for future devlogs or you have any doubt, you can put a comment here, contact me in any of my socials or write me a mail!!


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The IK system sounds pretty cool, it might go unnoticed, but it does add a lot when implemented.


Thanks!! Yeah, it goes unnoticed in a lot of games, but really adds a lot to animations Also the IK system I’m using is custom, so that means than I created it from scratch, but still needs improvements and work to make the things than I want to do